Safe account

If you are looking for a saving account with functionality for automatic, regular savings of an amount and period chosen by the customer, with attractive interest rate, then our Safe account is your choice

Currency: BGN/EUR
Minimum amount: BGN 50/ EUR 30
Interest: 0.45% for amounts up to BGN 50 000/EUR 25 000

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Termless deposit D Bank +

Currency: BGN / EUR
No minimum amount
Annual interest rate up to: 0,40% for amounts exceeding BGN 75 000.01

If you want to save and receive a good interest rate without committing to certain deadlines, then our termless deposit D Bank + is your choice

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Saving account

If you want to save and get a good interest rate without limiting yourself to withdrawals and deposits, then our savings accounts are your choice.

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Current account

If you want to receive and make payments, transfer amounts to other individuals and legal entities (rent, taxes, fees, electricity, telephone, heating, water, etc.), our current accounts are your choice.

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