VIP deposit

Currency: BGN/EUR/USD
Term: 6/12/24/36 months
Interest up to: 2.30% for 36-month deposit in BGN/EUR/USD

Get an interest of up to 2.30% on your money

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Online Deposit

Open an online deposit in D Bank quickly and conveniently through a short online process, in just a few minutes.

Currency: BGN and EUR
Term: 6, 12 and 24 months
Annual interest up to: 2.00% for a 24-month deposit in BGN and EUR

With favorable interest rates up to 2.00% and a term of up to 24 months

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Security Deposit

If you are looking for a higher return for a longer period for your savings, then our Security deposit is your choice

Currency: BGN / EUR
Term: 12,18, 24 and 36 months
Minimum amount: BGN 100 / EUR 50
Annual interest up to: 2.10% for 36 month deposit in BGN/EUR

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Deposit with progressive interest Be wealthy

If you want your savings to work in your favor for the next year, our term deposit with progressive interest rates Be wealthy is your choice

Currency: BGN / EUR
Term: 6 and 12 months
Minimum amount: BGN 100 / EUR 50
Annual interest up to: 1.41% effective annual interest for 12-month deposit

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D Bank Maxi

If you are looking for MAXIMUM return on your money, our fixed-term deposit D Bank Maxi is your choice.

Currency: BGN / EUR
Term: 1,3,6 and 12 months
Minimum amount: BGN 100 / EUR 50
Annual interest up to: 1.45% for 12-month deposit

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Standard Deposit

If you want to save with us in BGN, EUR or USD, our standard deposit with good interest rates is your choice

Currency: BGN / EUR / USD
Term: 1,3,6 and 12 months
Minimum amount: BGN 100 /EUR 50/USD 40

* For amounts exceeding BGN 1,000,000 or EUR, the interest rate is negotiable with the Bank

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